What is Broadband? Broadband choosing tips

6:22:00 AM

These days we hear a lot about broadband Internet connection. In this article we will discuss the basics of broadband and tips to choose the right broad band plan for your home or office.

What is Broadband?

The definition of a broadband connection may differ between different countries. But generally you can say that any Internet connection with a minimum speed of 256Kbps and above can be considered as a broadband connection.

In a 'Dialup' connection, we dialup whenever we need to connect to the Internet and then close the connection when we have finished using the Internet.

But you can connect your computer to Internet 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. In other words it is 'Always On'. Broadband connection is an always on connection. Your computer will be always connected to the Internet.

While using a dialup connection the maximum speed of the connection is only 56Kbps. Moreover when you are connected to the Internet using your phone dialup line, you cannot make or receive phone calls.

Broadband may be available in your area in any of these forms, Copper, Fiber Optics, cable, ADSL, IP VPN or Wireless.

What you need to ask before choosing your broadband provider.

  • Which broadband technology the provider is using
  • What is the monthly subscription and what is the one time set up fee
  • What is the speed of the broadband? Most of them just tell you the download speed. Ask them about the upload speed also.
  • What is the bandwidth allowed? That means how much data can be downloaded or uploaded. If there is a limit then what is the charges for additional data usage.
  • Is free email provided? If yes what is the storage capacity
  • What software and hardware are required to use that broadband connection. Is the hardware proprietary or can be bought from anywhere?
  • Is the installation free or you have to do it yourself
  • What are other conditions such as contracts etc.
  • What is the support provided?

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