How to measure size of computer files?
6:21:00 AMWe measure size of files created in computer by kilobytes, megabytes. We measure modems speed by bits. Let’s see what they denote and let’s see some difference between them.
BIT: In the computer-associated measures this is the smallest one. No file can be in the measures of bits; its value is 0 or 1.BYTE: combinations of 8 bits are called one byte. To create a file that containing one byte of data is very hard.
KILOBYTE (KB): proximately it has 1024 bytes of combinations. While downloading a file from net we denote it by the units of kilobytes.
MEGABYTE (MB): combinations of 1,048,576 bytes (or) 1024 kilobytes are called 1 megabyte.
GIGABYTE (GB): combinations of 1024 megabytes are called 1 gigabyte. This unit denotes capacity of hard disk.
Now we can fix this unit to some more devices.
* We can store 1.44 MB of data’s into a 3.25 inch floppy.
* In a compact disk we can store 650 to 700 MB data’s. But we won’t completely utilize the space available in cd contains the space equals to 450 3.25 inch floppy.
* A 20 gigabyte hard disk contains the space equal to 31 cd’s.(i.e.)14,222 floppy’s data.
* In an ordinary dial up connection .it takes 7 to 10 min’s for download a 1 Mega byte file.
* A normal single text page will be in 4 KB when it is changed as a file.
To find the size of a file, just right click on it .now you got a menu and then select the “PROPERTIES” from it. Now you got the size of that particular file.